
PACT  TAG meeting

 St Louis - 01 September 2001


Steering committee members present: Martin Vince, Robert Webster, Peter Luscomb, Ken Reininger, John Azua, Scott Barton, Patty McGill, Lee Schoen, Aliza Baltz, Herb Roberts, Stan Searles.


  1. Bob Siebels reviewed status of Bali Mynah program.
    1. Bali mynah master plan completed in July and sent out for review and comments. This document will be done as soon as comments are reviewed and comments can be incorporated into plan.
    2. Captive population stable and remains at about 250 birds domestically.
    3. Budget for Bali Mynah project is at $3500.
    4. Only 6 birds are left in the wild in Indonesia and  50 birds in the propagation center.
    5. PCR test is being developed to diagnose Atoxoplasmosis.  Treatments for this disease are improving.


  1. Native Passerine List serve:
    1. Ken Reininger notified committee that a Native Passerine  list serve has been developed to facilitate the exchange of ideas on the captive management, exhibit and conservation of native species. This list serve will allow zoos to better interface with the research and conservation communities.
    2. Ken notified committee that a researcher at Princeton has 20 Easter Kingbirds available.  More information will be provided to membership through the ASAG list serve.


  1. Nutrition adviser:
    1. Sue Crissey and Ann Ward are the PACT TAG nutrition advisors
    2. They have requested that the TAG identify the needs of the TAG and a possible direction for her work. Ken Reininger suggested a review of insectivorous supplements.
    3. Martin informed the committee that Riverbanks Zoo is working on the benefits of using tea in the diet of birds that are prone to iron storage disease.


  1. Husbandry outlines:
    1. Chelle Plasse mentioned that the Animal Welfare committee has developed a standard format for husbandry manuals. This information can be found in the AZA Resource center under AZA Conservation Programs Resource Guide/ Chapter 6, AZA Species Survival Plans (SSPs). This is an excellent outline.
    2. Action needed: Committee to review the SSP husbandry outline and decide whether or not to use it as our standard or modify it to meet our needs.  Martin to present issue to steering committee.
    3. Martin informed committee that IATA shipping regulations are being reviewed and has requested input for the different interest groups. Martin will consolidate information from TAG and transfer information to Sherry Branch at WCMC.


  1. Feral birds in Hawaii
    1. Decided to wait until the RCP is completed and then identify birds that are in Hawaii that may be needed. Ken Reininger, James Mejeur, Peter Lucomb and Martin Vince to coordinate.
    2. Martin is proposing that the TAG identify target species established in Hawaii, with population numbers larger enough to sustain extractive pressures. Eg Japanese white-eyes.
    3. We will be using this program to develop techniques for the capture and acclimatization of wild birds to captivity.


  1. Russian and Chinese imports
    1. Concern with over-harvesting of birds from this region.  Martin reviewed this issue and indicated that the concern was not substantiated. We will continue to monitor this concern.


  1. International Migratory Bird Day.
    1. Brad Parks from Denver will be coordinating activities for PACT TAG. All zoos are being encouraged to participate in this event. Contact Brad Parks for information of activities your zoo can be involved with.
    2. Brad will be coordinating activities with other TAGs as well.


  1. American Bird Conservancy ABC.
    1. This is an organization that maintains information on the status of North American birds and their conservation concerns.
    2. One issue discussed was the concern of building/towers keeping lights on at night and the affect it has on birds. They are encouraging building/towers to turn of their lights to minimize the effects they have on migratory birds.  Check out their web page at http://www.abcbirds.org/


  1. Vet advisor
    1. Two Vet advisors have been identified: Ned Gentz DVM / Albuquerque Zoo and Jan Raines / Dallas World Aquarium. In addition, Terry Norton DVM / St Chatherine’s Island is the veterinary advisor to the Bali mynah SSP.
  2. Goal and Objectives
    1. Martin handed out Goals and Objectives for the TAG.
    2. Action needed: Steering committee members are to review the G/Os and provide Martin with comments. Martin will consolidate comments and provide committee with a draft revision that the committee can vote on. Comments due back to Martin by 10 Oct 2001.


  1. TAG Conservation programs
    1. Martin notified committee that a Guyana Conservation Program was being developed. The focus of this project is to develop a variety of programs using the strength of AZA institutions to provide the local community with the cultural and economic incentives to conserve their natural biodiversity. The Guyana Shield is an area with a very low human population and a high percentage of their natural habitats still intact.  Reg Hoyt, Senior VP Conservation and Science / Philadelphia Zoo will be coordinating this project. A conservation plan will be developed by our next meeting.
    2. The TAG will be looking at options to import Cock-of-the-Rock to be used as a flagship species for this project and this region.  It is hoped that zoos housing Cock of the Rock will use these birds to encourage their visitors to support conservation efforts in this region through ecotourism or other activities. Chelle Plasse suggested that we consider acquiring eggs and hand raise chicks. This way we get birds of know age and heath status, and do not impact the adult population.


  1. Regional Collection Plan
    1. Martin handed out a CD with information needed to complete the RCP to all Interest Group Leaders. Martin reviewed all of the documents.
    2. Action needed: Martin has requested that all Interest Group Leaders complete their RCP first draft by 16 October 2001. Turn in to Martin.